Volodymyr Humnytskiy
Searching for the internship in a product it-company
+38 067 994 05 11
Hello! I am an enthusiastic guy from Kyiv, who is
very passioned about products, start-ups and
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
About me
I am almost 18 years old, freshman of Institute of applied system analysis, Computer Science. Worked for 3 months as a B2B sales manager intern (ICO services). Currently, I am studying online at the Product University and my purpose and ambition are to find a job in product it-company. Positions in which I am interested are Junior Product manager/Product manager assistant, Product marketing manager, B2B Product sales manager.
Get resume
- definition of the main units of cash-flows.
- сonstruction of sales funnels.
- calculation of the main metrics(CAC, contribution margin, break even).
Product marketing
- мapping the target audience.
- finding direct and indirect competitors.
- calculation of market volume by segments(PAM, TAM, SAM, SOM).
- researching of market structure, ARPPU.
- dishonest advantages and matrix of leadership.
B2B product sales
- networking and negotiations skills
- upper-intermediate level in English
Product management
- formulation and testing of hypotheses
- research for catalyst of product growth
- MVP development
- making comprehensive solutions based on data
- optimization of the main product metrics
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